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Vedic astrology Offline 1-OFL-GEN (Basic to Advanced).

  • 99 Steps


This is to make the recorded videos of previous batches available offline for those interested in watching and learning. This is not an online or live class but a recorded one (You can access these classes for the next 2 years once registered). This is a Vedic astrology course in the parasara system, and the default language is Telugu. Access will be available for around 50 classes, each lasting more than 1 hour, including PDF documents, assignments, and final exam question papers (Basic to advanced). Each class lasts around one hour and includes a question-and-answer session (asked by the students of that particular batch). Need Jagannathahora horoscope-generating software (Windows-based) to discuss the lectures. These offline recorded classes are available on your board to help you learn Vedic astrology.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app

Course Fee

Single Payment
Vedic astrology Offline 1-OFL-GEN



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